Funding Allocation Sheets

The Fresno County Charter SELPA's Funding Allocation Sheets are designed to provide a transparent and global view to all Member LEAs. The sheets are emailed to all Charter SELPA fiscal contacts. A 3-minute video describing the Funding Allocation Sheets can be viewed here.

Release Dates

The Funding Allocation Sheets are updated and reported seven times each year:  

  • Estimate 1 is released on or about April 15. It is based on preliminary estimates from the First Principal Apportionment data.
  • Estimate 2 is released on or about July 27. It is based on P-2 data and/or the Advance Principal Apportionment.
  • Quarter 1 is released on or about October 15. This data may be used for the first interim.  
  • Quarter 2 is released on or about January 15. This data may be used for the second interim. 
  • Quarter 3 is released on or about April 15. It includes updates from the First Principal Apportionment data. 
  • Quarter 4 is released on or about July 15. It includes updates from Second Principal Apportionment data which includes the Adjustments and Prior Year Recomputations.
  • Year End is released on or about August 15. It includes updates to claim payments.

The excel spreadsheet includes several tabs. The first tab is titled LEA and provides information by LEA. Members can select their LEA at the top left section of the page. An example is shown below: 

Funding Allocation Sheet


The Funding Allocation Sheet includes the sources and the amounts of special education funds that are allocated to each Member LEA. Each funding source line contains a Reference Page, which helps the viewer find the tab that contains the SELPA calculation. For example, the Reference Page for the funding source labeled "IDEA - Entitlement" is 3310. Tab 3310 contains the entire grant and calculation used to make the allocation: 

Funding Allocation Source