The Fresno County Charter SELPA follows generally accepted accounting principles as outlined in the California School Accounting Manual ("CSAM"). The following CSAM procedures are frequently referenced for special education activities:
- CSAM Procedure 755 - Special Education
- CSAM Procedure 215 - Audit Adjustments
- Program Cost Accounting
- Time Accounting
- Recognition of Legal Obligation in Reporting
- Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200 (the Uniform Guidance).pdf
- Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200 (the Uniform Guidance) website
SACS Quick Reference for Special Education
SSC - Coding Changes for Resource Codes 3307 and 3309
Cash Flow Estimates
Principal Apportionment Schedule
Example of the Principal Apportionment Schedule
2023-24 Cash Flow Estimates
Contact Eddie Davidson, Director of Fiscal Student Services, at (559) 265-3047 or