Base Grant Funding
Source of Funds
The California Department of Education (CDE) provides funds for special education and related services to students with disabilities. It is a part of the overall special education funding commonly referred to as AB 602.
It is funded by CDE to the SELPAs using a formula referenced in California Education Code Section 56836.14 et. seq. In general, it is apportioned for each unit of average daily attendance (ADA) for the greatest of the current year or the prior two years, as well as other data elements. This is called the AB 602 K-12 Funded ADA.
Funding Allocation
The Fresno County Charter SELPA allocates the Base Grant Funding for each Charter LEA based upon the same unit of average daily attendance that is used for the CDE apportionment, less fees, reserves, and other set-aside requirements described in the Funding Allocation Plan.
- Revenue is transferred using 0100-65000-0-5001-0000-879200.
- Expenditures can be coded to 0100-65000-0-5xxx-xxxx-xxxxxx.
The revenue for the Base Grant Funding is part of the State's overall AB 602 Principal Apportionment.
Use of Funds
Funds are to be used to provide IEP-based special education and related services to students in grades K through 12. Funds may also be used for preschool related activities for students with disabilities that have an IEP.
Financial Reporting
These funds are reported in the Local Plan.