Low Incidence Funding

Image of student reading a braille book.

Source of Funds

The California Department of Education (CDE) provides funds to support special education and related services as required under the individualized education program for each pupil with low-incidence disabilities as defined in California Education Code Section 56026.5. It is a part of the overall special education funding commonly referred to as AB 602.

It is funded by CDE to SELPAs by dividing the total number of pupils with low-incidence disabilities in the state, as reported in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System pursuant to Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 60900) of Part 33 on the Fall 1 Census of the prior fiscal year, into the annual appropriation provided for this purpose in the annual Budget Act. 

Funding Allocation

The Fresno County SELPA retains this funding at the SELPA-level, as it is responsible for maintaining an inventory of all equipment and materials purchased with these funds. Charter LEAs are eligible to access this funding through the appropriate referral forms as described in the SELPA Low Incidence Policy and Procedures. Funding is limited, and when they are exhausted, it becomes a Charter LEA’s responsibility to cover the remaining costs.


  • Revenue is transferred using 0100-65000-0-5001-0000-879200.
  • Expenditures can be coded to 0100-65000-0-5760-xxxx-xxxxxx. Please use a local field to identify low incidence expenditures. 

The revenue for the Base Grant Funding is part of the State's overall AB 602 Principal Apportionment

Use of Funds

Funds are to be used for special education and related services to students with low incidence disabilities as defined here.

Financial Reporting

These funds are reported in the Local Plan.  


Low Incidence Disabilities - 2020 Changes