Adjustments and Prior Year Recomputations
Source of Funds
The California Department of Education (CDE) updates (or re-certifies) the special education Principal Apportionment calculations even after the fiscal year is closed. The updates occur for the prior year and the second prior year. Learn more about the Principal Apportionment here.
Funding Allocation
The Fresno County SELPA allocates any adjustments and prior year corrections in the year in which the funds are calculated.
- Revenue Transfer: 0100-65000-0-5001-0000-879201
- Expenditures: 0100-65000-0-5XXX-XXXX-XXXXXX
Use of Funds
Funds are to be used to provide IEP-based special education and related services to students in grades K through 12. Funds may also be used for preschool related activities for students with disabilities that have an IEP.
Financial Reporting
There is no financial reporting required by the SELPA for these funds.